Gerson works ... MRT liver metastases ... shrink !
At the beginning 02/14 was the biggest liver metastasis 7. 7 x 9 cm. After 10 months of chemotherapy (Paclitaxel 1,8. 15 and Bevacizumab 1. 15) this was still 4. 9 x 1. 9 cm 03/15. After other 3 months of treatment with chemotherapy the known liver metastasis has not further got smaller. Because after 13 months of chemotherapy 06/15, new metastases in the skin have appeared, the chemotherapy was broken off by sides of the doctors and was begun with anti-hormone therapy. The university would have transmitted with pleasure Avastin what I have rejected, however, because I had started in the meantime with the Gerson therapy and injected gifts are not with prerinsing and rinsing of cooking salt solutions gersonconform.
I had broken off the hormone therapy on grounds of the depressive disgruntlements and extreme shoulder pains. In November, 2015 one more metastasis with a diameter of small 3 cm was measured in an ultrasound of the liver. Then the surprise the last week. Even in the MRT only a metastasis mt to a diameter which is smaller than 3 cm could be found. I have made the MRT nativ (without contrast medium). That's why are not in the pictures so clear demarcations and therefore measuring out on millimetre is not possible. To me it was important to know whether the liver metastases grow "without" school-medical therapy!
Without a genius Max Gerson and his daughter Charlotte, who established the Gerson Institut, that all would not be possible. Here´s one of the wonderful videos, where Charlotte Gerson talks about the Gerson-Therapie
Here´s one of the wonderful video, where Charlotte Gerson tals about the Gerson Therapy:
Greeeeaaaat. Niiiccceeee.